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Reka Sava (foto: Matic Klanšek Velej)

Zasavje and Posavje

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Zasavje in Posavje

Motoristične ture

Located in the heart of Slovenia, Zasavje is renowned for its industrial heritage, beautiful nature and dynamic roads.

Tri glavna mesta Zasavja so Trbovlje, Zagorje ob Savi in Hrastnik. Poleg izjemnih razgledov Zasavje motoristom ponuja tudi številne znamenitosti, ki jih lahko obiščejo med potjo.

Explore the Mining Museum in Trbovlje and Europe’s tallest chimney (360 m), showcasing the region’s industrial past. Sopota Valley, a torrent valley between Zagorje and Radeče, enchants visitors with stunning waterfalls and pristine nature. Kum, the highest peak in Zasavje (1220 m), is an excellent choice for motorbikers seeking a relaxing hike.

In Posavje, take a ride to Rajhenburg Castle in Krško, Sevnica Castle with panoramic Sava Valley views or the Lisca viewpoint. Stop in Brežice with its town-center castle featuring Baroque frescoes, knightly halls, and the Posavje Museum. Just 3 km from Brežice, unwind at Slovenia’s largest thermal spa, Terme Čatež.

Zasavje in Posavje

Motoristične ture

Grad Bogenšperk (foto: Iztok Medja)

Make a stop:

  • Mining Museum
  • Trbovlje Chimney
  • Mount Kum
  • Sopota Valley
  • Bogenšperk Castle
  • Sevnica Castle
  • Rajhenburg Castle
  • Brežice Castle
  • Terme Čatež